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Supergirl S02E17 Review (DAXAM IVASION)

Previously on Yesterdays Episode of Suprgirl The Queen of Daxam which she is Mon-El’s Mother decided to force him to go back to his family and his people in Daxam whatever it takes even if she must start a war against planet earth. However, she has a hating against the Kryptonians which they are the reason of what happened to Daxam. So she had the Kryptonite which it can kill any Human from Krypton until Mon-El surrender him self to Return to Daxam but the Martian John the Director of the D.E.O help Supergirl to attack Daxam spaceship to rescue Mon-El until Mon-El’s Father Decided to let him go away and he released Mon-El but after that his wife killed him as he betrayed her. Mon-El saying Goodbye to Supergirl Supergirl Protecting Earth against Daxam As I mentioned before that I am guessing that The Queen of Daxam is planning for a war against planet Earth and this what happend and there is more coming we are going to see it. However, The Cadmus Union are in big...

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