New flash and supergirl crossover

This week episode on supergirl and the flash we will see a 2 crossover episodes but the new is that supergirl and her team will appear on the flash episode 17 this Wednesday After she was attacked by the musician villain to go after Barry Allen then super girl's team took her body to travel to earth 1.

Last year we watched a crossover between them was on the first season of supergirl when the flash meats supergirl for the first time the flash has been trapped in her universe and she helped him to send him back to earth 1.
the flash and supergirl on last year crossover 


when I watch the trailer for both of 2 episodes its seems that there is new villain called himself as Music Meister arrives to National City and he sends them to a world where life is a musical and the only way to escape is to sing and dance and it seems like they are in the 80’s.


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